Slime Molds of British ColumbiaRevised March 18, 2017
Prepared by Kent Brothers. Please do not publish or distribute without permission of the author.

This is a list of slime molds (116 species in 33 genera) that have been reported, in sources checked to date, to occur in British Columbia, with species not reported to occur in the Salish Basin in blue (23 species).

This list should be used with caution for scientific purposes, e.g. for species distribution. Some species listed here, whether from scientific literature or herbarium records, may have been misidentified from specimens of other similar-looking species. Species for which the author has found no record of a specimen from BC that has been identified as that species by an experienced slime-mold taxonomist are followed by '?' (31) and their occurrence in BC is uncertain.

The species are sorted alphabetically by scientific name within the different orders of slime molds. The family to which a genus belongs is indicated in brackets. An equals sign ('=') indicates synonyms, and common names (what few there are) appear in parentheses. The numbers after a species name are the number of specimens from BC of that species in the UBC/DAVFP Herbari, respectively. Taxonomy, mostly following Index Fungorum (, is believed to be current as of the date above.


Class Myxogastrea Order LICEALES = LICEIDA

Cribraria [Cribrariaceae]  • argillacea (Pers.) Pers. 2/0  • aurantiaca Schrad. 1/0  • cancellata (Batsch) Nann.-Bremek. = Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch) T. Macbr. (Japanese-lantern slime) 1/0  • dictyospora G.W. Martin & Lovejoy 1/0  • ferruginea Meyl. 4/0  • intricata Schrad. 2/0  • microcarpa (Schrad.) Pers. 1/0  • rufa (Roth) Rostaf. 2/0  • splendens (Schrad.) Pers. 1/0
Licea [Liceaceae]  • tenera E. Jahn 1/0 ?  • variabilis Schrad. = flexuosa Pers. 3/0 ?
Lindbladia [Cribrariaceae]  • tubulina Fr. 0/0
Lycogala [Reticulariaceae]  • epidendrum (J.C. Buxb. ex L.) Fr. (Wolf's-milk slime) 2/6
Reticularia [Tubiferaceae]  • lycoperdon Bull. = Enteridium lycoperdon (Bull.) M.L. Farr 0/0 ?  • olivacea (Ehrenb.) Fr. = Enteridium olivaceum Ehrenb. 0/1
Tubifera [Tubiferaceae]  • casparyi (Rostaf.) T. Macbr. 0/1 ?  • ferruginosa (Batsch) J.F. Gmel. = Licea cylindrica (Bull.) Fr. ((Red) raspberry slime) 4

Class Myxogastrea Order PHYSARALES = PHYSARIDA

Badhamia [Physaraceae]  • affinis Rostaf. 0/1  • foliicola Lister 1/2  • populina Lister & G. Lister 1/0
Craterium [Physaraceae]  • aureum (Schumach.) Rostaf. 2/0  • leucocephalum (Pers.) Ditmar 5/0  • minutum (Leers) Fr. 0/1
Diderma [Didymiaceae]  • arboreum Lister & Petch 1/0 ?  • asteroides (Lister & G. Lister) G. Lister 1/0 ?  • effusum (Schwein.) Morgan 1/0 ?  • floriforme (Bull.) Pers. 1/0 ?  • hemisphaericum (Bull.) Hornem. 2/0 ?  • niveum (Rostaf.) T. Macbr. 5/0  • testaceum (Schrad.) Pers. 1/0
Didymium [Didymiaceae]  • clavus (Alb. & Schwein.) Rabenh. 1/0  • crustaceum Fr. 0/0  • difforme (Pers.) Gray 1/0  • dubium Rostaf. 1/0 ?  • iridis (Ditmar) Fr. 1/0 ?  • melanospermum (Pers.) T. Macbr. 8/0  • minus (Lister) Morgan 1/0  • squamulosum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. 4/0
Fuligo [Physaraceae]  • cinerea (Schwein.) Morgan 2/0  • muscorum Alb. & Schwein. 3/0  • septica (L.) F.H. Wigg. (Dog vomit slime = Scrambled-egg slime = Flowers of tan ) 5/0 ▫ var. flava (Pers.) Morgan ?
Leocarpus [Physaraceae]  • fragilis (Dicks.) Rostaf. (Insect-egg-mass slime) 8/3
Lepidoderma [Didymiaceae]  • carestianum (Rabenh.) Rostaf. 2/0  • tigrinum (Schrad.) Rostaf. 0/0  • trevelyanii (Grev.) Poulain & Mar. Mey. 1/0 ?
Mucilago [Didymiaceae]  • crustacea P. Micheli ex F.H. Wigg. 1/0
Physarum [Physaraceae]  • alpinum (Lister & G. Lister) G. Lister 1/0  • auriscalpium Cooke 2/0 ?  • bitectum G. Lister 2/0  • bivalve Pers. 3/0  • carneum G. Lister & Sturgis 2/0 ?  • cinereum (Batsch) Pers. 6/0  • contextum (Pers.) Pers. 2/0  • decipiens M.A. Curtis 1/0 ?  • diderma Rostaf. 1/0  • flavicomum Berk. 1/0  • globuliferum (Bull.) Pers. 0/1  • lateritium (Berk. & Ravenel) Morgan 1/0  • leucophaeum Fr. 1/0 ?  • notabile T. Macbr. 6/0  • nutans Pers. 8/0  • oblatum T. Macbr. 1/0 ?  • pusillum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) G. Lister 2/0  • rubiginosum Fr. 2/0 ?  • tenerum Rex 1/0  • utriculare (Bull.) Chevall. = Badhamia utricularis (Bull.) Berk. 5/1  • viride (Bull.) Pers. 7/0

Class Myxogastrea Order TRICHIALES = TRICHIIDA

Arcyria [Trichiaceae]  • cinerea (Bull.) Pers. 3/0  • denudata (L.) Wettst. (Carnival-candy slime) 3/1  • incarnata (Pers.) Pers. 8/1 ▫ var. fulgens G. Lister 1/0 ?  • oerstedii Rostaf. 1/0  • pomiformis (Leers) Rostaf. 1/0 ?  • versicolor W. Phillips 7/0  • vitellina W. Phillips 0/1 ?
Dianema [Dianemataceae]  • nivale (Meyl.) G. Lister = andersonii Morgan ex T. Macbr. 0/0
Hemitrichia [Trichiaceae]  • clavata (Pers.) Rostaf. (Yellow-fuzz cone slime) 6/0
Metatrichia [Trichiaceae]  • floriformis (Schwein.) Nann.-Bremek. = Trichia floriformis (Schwein.) G. Lister 2/0 ?
Oligonema [Trichiaceae]  • brevifilum Peck 0/0  • flavidum (Peck) Peck 1/0 ?  • schweinitzii (Berk.) G.W. Martin = nitens (Lib.) Rostaf. 1/0 ?
Prototrichia [Trichiaceae]  • metallica (Berk.) Massee 4/0
Trichia [Trichiaceae]  • alpina (R.E. Fr.) Meyl. 0/1  • botrytis (J.F. Gmel.) Pers. 7/0  • contorta (Ditmar) Rostaf. 3/1  • decipiens (Pers.) T. Macbr. 4/1  • lateritia Lév. 0/0  • lutescens (Lister) Lister 1/0  • pusilla (Hedw.) G.W. Martin 1/0  • scabra Rostaf. 1/0 ?  • subfusca Rex 3/0  • varia (Pers.) Pers. 7/2  • verrucosa Berk. 2/0 ?


Amaurochaete [Stemonitidaceae]  • atra (Alb. & Schwein.) Rostaf. = fuliginosa (Sowerby) T. Macbr. 2/0
Brefeldia [Stemonitidaceae]  • maxima (Fr.) Rostaf. (Tapioca slime) 0/0
Collaria [Stemonitidaceae]  • arcyrionema (Rostk.) Nann.-Bremek. ex Lado> = Lamproderma arcyrionema Rostaf. 0/0
Comatricha [Stemonitidaceae]  • nigra (Pers.) J. Schröt. 7/7  • pacifica (T. Macbr.) Peck & H.C. Gilbert 1/0  • pulchella (C. Bab.) Rostaf. 1/0 ?  • suksdorfii Ellis & Everh. 0/1
Diacheopsis [Stemonitidaceae]  • insessa (G. Lister) Ing 0/2
Enerthenema [Stemonitidaceae]  • papillatum (Pers.) Rostaf. 1/0 ?
Lamproderma [Stemonitidaceae]  • arcyrioides (Sommerf.) Rostaf. = carestiae (Ces. & De Not.) Meyl. 1/10  • columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf. 1/1  • cribrarioides (Fr.) R.E. Fr. 0/2 ?  • robustum Ellis & Everh. 0/6  • sauteri Rostaf. 4/1
Stemonitis [Stemonitidaceae]  • axifera (Bull.) T. Macbr. 3/4  • flavogenita E. Jahn 1/0 ?  • fusca Roth 3/2 ▫ var. fusca Roth 1/0 ?  • herbatica Peck 0/1 ?  • nigrescens Rex 2/0  • splendens Rostaf. (Chocolate tube slime) 0/0
Stemonitopsis [Stemonitidaceae]  • hyperopta (Meyl.) Nann.-Bremek. 1/0 ?  • typhina (F.H. Wigg.) Nann.-Bremek. 4/0


Ceratiomyxa [Ceratiomyxaceae]  • fruticulosa (O.F. Müll.) T. Macbr. = mucida (Pers.) Schröt. (Coral slime) 7/0
Ceratium [Ceratiomyxaceae]  • hydnoides (Jacq.) Alb. & Schwein. 1/0